A belief in God or whether there even is one is trending downward in society with no end in sight. So, how is it that the population has moved off of God? Hint: It has to do with the machinations of a very bad man!
‘El Diablo’s’ plan is brilliant for its simplicity and effectiveness. Keeping people away from God is as easy as instilling hate, fear, or, just plain apathy towards the natural world. The only direct connection we have to God is the biosphere. So, if you have animus towards it or don’t relate to it in any way, you are left with zero reason to believe there is a creator. The ENTIRE point of instilling a fear, for example, of spiders…or snakes into your mind is to separate them (creatures that man did not and cannot create) from you.When you look at this objectively, you realize what fools we are. Man is so easily manipulated (I thought people didn’t like it when that happened). Here is an animal that has no interest in us, yet we HAAAATE!… malign, torture, chop up, run over…you name it. How far we have come from Eve having an agreeable conversation with a serpent in Eden. There is some deep psychology at work, here…and if anyone knows about that, it is…you got it!…that very bad man. God sets the rules for life on Earth. But, the dreams and egos of men will not abide. Men plant crops where they aren’t supposed to be…then blame vicious, ‘Mother Nature’ when weather happens and the crops fail. You see how this works, yet?One day, “All hail” broke loose over top of my maters; a cruel, hateful act of God upon my plants and, therefore, me! (Oops! Even I’m being sucked into D’s scheme)City dwellers have little shot at ‘awakening’ while ensconced in the infrastructure bubble. When your world is entirely man made…and nature extirpated, is there any reason to even consider the notion of a God because where is there evidence of Him around town? (FYI, churches aren’t evidence)Churches will have to insert themselves into the front lines of environmentalism if they hope to survive the icons of man. This new age we are living in is a ‘progressed-out-of-nature-and-thus-God’ culture (proving that ‘progress’ isn’t always a benefit—a thought anathema to many culture-change, do-gooders). Our focus on man made stuff sucks the notion of a god right out of us. To properly pastor the point to the people, preaching will have to entail the channeling of Obama’s, “You didn’t build that!”The foundation for God is nature…”Hello!”