This European honeybee recognizes an old ancestral friend: The Black Knapweed, which is also European. Aka Centaurea nigra (I wonder if I shoulda capitalized ‘nigra’ in recognition of these ignorant days), it ranks very high on, both, nectar and pollen production, making it a superstar of the plant world for pollinators (usually flowers are only good at one or the other).
Saltcedar along this waterway is a good-enough home for a certain willow flycatcher. The soil is so bad in these exhausted range lands that this plant is just about the only thing that can do well.
What’s this!? A native bird using a non-native plant?! Oh no!!
So, here’s the deal…the Feds are being sued for destroying habitat in Arizona where an endangered migratory bird procreates. In this case, ‘habitat’ is a euphemism for the Saltcedar. Backstory: the USDA experimentally released a non-native beetle out west in 2001 and ramped up distribution of the insect in 2005, all for the purpose of eating this non-native tamarix that, coincidentally, the bird builds its nest in.
NPNs hate non-natives because they have deluded themselves into thinking that the plants are replacing native ones. But, it’s hard to replace something that was already extirpated due to land overuse. Luckily for this endangered bird, the tamarix exists; can grow under rotten conditions; and provide a home for avian reproductive activities.
Do you know why people really want to do away with this plant? It steals water from them! I am not making this up. This naturalized plant grows along streams like many native and non-native plants are want to do out there, except, according to alarmists, this is the only plant sucking the streams dry. Wow. Only an NPN scientists can come up with a scarenario such as this.
Now, the NPNs are saying that Glossy Buckthorn increases erosion, not unlike knotweed, I guess. NPNs just can’t help themselves; they keep piling it on non-native plants. Let’s see…according to these people, the plants cause erosion, increase tick populations, steal water, poison the soil, pollute the air, give you a rash or some other affliction, etc. What we absolutely know about these plants is that they make people irrational. If you are suffering from non-native plant derangement syndrome, please call your shrink. Can’t we all just focus on the real problem that is encapsulated in the above image.
Native plants would take their sweet time trying to ‘fix’ this, if ever. Certain non-natives are like remediation on steroids. They do not care what the substrate is—they’re going in anyway. Wherever man goes, a remedy must always be close behind to repair the unnaturally occurring.
From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “People rationalize their perceived need for butterfly bush because they think it helps butterflies,” Tallamy said. “What they really want is a pretty plant in their yard.”
People love butterflies; people love seeing butterflies…we’ve got butterfly clubs, butterfly magazines, butterfly gardens, butterfly motifs for every aspect of our lives, yet Doug Tallamy thinks people are interested in butterflies only for the purpose of helping them!? That bit of reasoning could qualify him for a seat next to Biden on the way to the doctor for cognitive testing. Since Tallamy works in Delaware and Biden lives there, they’ll be able to carpool.Unspoken in the AJC quote from Tallamy is the same old effluent coming from native plant nazis that the nectar from this plant that feeds bees and butterflies has zero nutritive value for these animals and, thus, doesn’t help them. What you can infer from this mindlessness is that the interviewee believes these insects to be too stupid to know what they are doing when they partake of the nectar (sugar) of a non-native plant.
Getting back to Doug Tallamy’s quote (and some parallel construction) , for years he has been trying to get people to “rationalize their perceived need for” a native plant “because they think it helps” chickadees. I wonder if he ever listens to himself. It’s the reason we think politicians are horrible people. They tell you that what you are doing is wrong while they do the exact same thing. BTW, you can plant tons of native plants (like Tallamy wants), but (he never mentions this part) they must be trees. If they aren’t…guess what?….no chickadees. To get these birds, you’ll need, in addition to multiple mature trees, a special bird house…and don’t forget bird feeders to really ramp-up chickadee interest and staying power.
A Blue Ridge PRISM (BRP) promoter made an appearance on PBS in 2020, stating WRT the Bradford Pear, “It’s contributing nothing to our ecosystem.” As my dad (RIP) might have said, “What a ninny!” Even the BRP guy’s site references pollinators and birds partaking of this plant. However, the BRP site is so deceitful that they never mention any bird by name other than European Starlings as eating the fruit. It’s a twofer for the purpose of doubling your hate and angst: non-native bird spreading non-native plant. The fact is that plenty of native birds eat these fruits, but, you know…let’s not mention them because people may decide not to cut down their Bradfords. Lesson: People will say (or omit) absolutely anything to further their agendas…not that you didn’t already know that.
Ambassador of Ent and NPN fave Doug Tallamy has a poor opinion of the native Tulip Poplar because it does not host enough leaf-eating insects. This is what happens when one’s ecological world view is so razor thin that they can’t see the forest for the leaf-eating larvae. For more, see the “corruption is here” page.