The future is now for these PRISM people. It is the fancy of every NPN: “A bottle of herbicide in every home.” If you believe nothing else, believe this: plants, no matter their country of origin, will never be as harmful to you as the result from the cover-the-earth-with-pesticides mentality of this crowd. BTW, in the end it may be the government that imposes this on us. This is because people in government (they don’t know much about this issue) will see the NPN (PRISM) lobby as experts and, thus, will do their bidding.One day you may be taking a restful walk on your property, minding your own business as you commune with the great outdoors, and then a PRISM busybody comes along and ruins it. Their message: this plant is an alien; it’s poisoning the soil; it’s harmful to birds; it could put you in the hospital…whatever,….the sky is the limit when it comes to the fertile imaginings of these PRISM crusaders. The hope is to turn you into a raging, “We gotta do something!”, lunatic.Bradfords fight it out with the old, native nemesis of farmers’ pastures, the Virginia Cedar. A Blue Ridge PRISM promoter (who was either lying or ignorant) made an appearance on PBS in 2020, stating WRT the Bradford Pear, “It’s contributing nothing to our ecosystem.” Tell that to the birds and the bees. Lesson: People will say absolutely anything to further their agendas…not that you didn’t already know it.This is a pic not unlike a pic of a part of a property at the web address below. You can read about the trials and tribulations of a man with plant ‘issues’. Scroll through the pics at the link below for a landscape visual.
Despite that expenditure, it didn’t stop this individual from advocating for government funds to help people like him. He was part of an effort to secure USDA grants so that private landowners could have taxpayers pay for ‘cleaning up’ their extended yards. Is it any wonder this country is trillions in debt. BTW, your share is around $80,000.00 and rising fast at the time of this writing (followit at If you ‘need’ government to help maintain your property, you shouldn’t own property.