spittle bug

You probably thought you were going to see a genuine spittle bug, didn’t you? I’m leaving that for you to discover at another site. At the Invasive Plant Society, it is enough for you to know that those ‘tiny little bubbles’ are a sign of a spittle bug among us.

A line (sort of) from a Pink Panther movie goes, “I spittle in your general direction.” That is ‘Big Spittle’s’ message to the NPNs. Why? Because according to the NPN false-narrative, the native spittle bug female (being just a stupid insect, you know) has doomed its offspring to die inside a nutritionless naturalized plant. (spittle on Multiflora Rose)
The sheer variety of non-native plants (pic of lespedeza) that the spittle bug uses is larger than the purview of this little site. Question: Why are there still spittle bugs, year after year, in such numbers. Answer: Because they (and countless other animals) DO NOT GET SICK AND DIE when they use non-native plants. (see ‘stop eating that’ page for more)
“When you can’t be with the American Bittersweet, love the bittersweet you’re with.” (Stephen Stills) Spittle bug in Oriental Bittersweet.
As you can see, these insects aren’t prejudicial. (Ground Ivy)
This Bradford Pear will never be a tree. 🙁 It is getting worked over by two spittles before being turned into a forever-shrub by the highway department.
On Black Knapweed.