The classic pruning job on a Burning Bush serving a suburban sensibility. Well…at least it will still bloom and make fruit. On occasion you can see a more naturally shaped plant (having escaped perpetual pruning) growing in wild areas. These flowers are in bloom on a free-range version. Plenty of pollinators visit as you can see by the fruit production, below.These fruits don’t last long when the winter birds arrive to the yard each fall. Cardinals and thrushes like them, too. They even polish off these fruit before finishing the ones on its North American cousin, the American Euonymous. Nevertheless, as hard as I try, I still can’t locate any carcasses around the yard since, according to NPNs, non-native food is bad for native animals.Before heading back north to, you know…make whoopee, some winter birds load up on burning bush buds. At least they weren’t so rude as to totally strip this plant.