Stilt grass in the foreground is back dropped by a sea of Spicebush. This undiverse forest understory brought to you by your local and burgeoning deer population. The deer decide what stays and what goes in this landscape.Deer aren’t hot for Pawpaw either, thus, a mono-culture is born. You can go explore most anywhere and easily find something like this.People talk to their pets all the time, therefore, I felt that talking with these two Zebra Swallowtails shouldn’t be much different. What did I find out? They are thrilled that there are prodigious quantities of deer to eat most everything, except Pawpaw, their host plant.This area of pines used to have limbs going all the way to a ground that was covered with its pine needles. Both were removed and, “Voila!”, instant stilt grass under story. Have I mentioned that deer don’t eat stilt grass?Even the cows won’t eat certain non-natives. The ‘weed’ in the grass to the right is Beefsteak Plant. Since farmers don’t spend much time nowadays on pasture care, these plants should have no problem expanding their realm. It also helps that the soil (like it is everywhere) is lacking quality to such an extent that those gol dang ‘undesirables’ can just come in and take over! (Some may go so far as to call them ‘deplorables’ 🙂 )Just because the deer are busy undiversifying much of the country doesn’t mean you should too. Let go of what you are used to, or comfortable with, and give more thought to giving wildlife a home on your property. Contrary to popular media, wildlife is not coming for you, so don’t be frightened. The creation of a more diverse environment on your property gets you closer to the original intent…of everything! (see ‘alpha original intent’ page)