When will these animals get with the program? Nothing is supposed to eat non-native plants. (sphinx moth ‘cat’ on Korean privet)Ditto for this tussock moth cat.And if you do eat them (two ‘cats’ on autumn olive), the NPNs say you’re gonna starve, get sick and die because there’s no nutrition for you there. But, hey, don’t worry your tiny, little heads about your cousins across the ocean that are chowing down on these plants. For some reason, over there these plants are full of vitamins and minerals that does a body good.The bird-brained aren’t to swift, either. (waxwing on grape holly)But, at least they had sense enough to preen in a native tree. (cherry)What can you expect from a bird with the prefix of ‘cat’ in it. (catbird on grape holly).Everybody hates autumn olive…except those that love it. (goldfinch)