Did you know that millions of people are inadvertently killing this bird, the American Goldfinch, by feeding it? Yep, it’s true. Follow me on this lunacy. NPN scientists have been saying for years that foreign plants have squat for nutrition when it comes to nourishing native birds because the animals did not evolve with those plants.Yet, people have been feeding niger seed to goldfinches long before niger became politically incorrect. Sorry, but you only have one guess as to where this seed is from (open web page exam in progress). Now, guess how often AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES are seen in the above country located in AFRICA. If you guessed, ‘never’, you would be correct. Nevertheless, these seeds are fed to American birds with no ill affects. Why? Because there is nothing nutritionally lacking with foreign natural foods! Dining on Indian food. The Crape Myrtle is from India and its surrounding regions. To the NPN, this goldfinch will become like a concentration camp victim after eating this a while. Oh no! This bird looks like it’s about to kick the bucket. Must be all of that Proso Millet (native to the “Old World”) you threw on to the ground for it all winter long. For those of you in Rio Linda, you are residents of the “New World”…and so has been this species of sparrow for thousands upon thousands of years. What this means is that this bird will not long survive a diet of this foreign food, if you believe your local Native Plant Nazi. Never mind the fact that this ‘under-nourished’ bird will return to your property, season after season, after traveling a thousand or more miles every single year. BTW, this bird ain’t sick; it’s sunning.This Mourning Dove always keeps procreating despite a diet rich in “Old World” milo (sorghum) seeds delivered from the hands of human bird feeders. Remember: this bird is “New World” and, thus, shouldn’t even have the energy to make babies on a diet of that crappy foreign seed (hope you are getting the sarcasm, here).