Tag Archives: bradford pears

Blue Ridge Prism Poo-poos Pears

A Blue Ridge PRISM (BRP) promoter made an appearance on PBS in 2020, stating WRT the Bradford Pear, “It’s contributing nothing to our ecosystem.”  As my dad (RIP) might have said, “What a ninny!” Even the BRP guy’s site references pollinators and birds partaking of this plant. However, the BRP site is so deceitful that they never mention any bird by name other than European Starlings as eating the fruit. It’s a twofer for the purpose of doubling your hate and angst: non-native bird spreading non-native plant. The fact is that plenty of native birds eat these fruits, but, you know…let’s not mention them because people may decide not to cut down their Bradfords. Lesson: People will say (or omit) absolutely anything to further their agendas…not that you didn’t already know that.