A buck taking a break from a bottomless appetite for mostly native plants…and, coincidentally, anything in your garden. Deer give non-natives a helping hand by eating the competition: native plants. Unfortunately for much of the U.S., this sleepy head is not allowed to rectify the deer problem, thus, Bambi has the run of the place.There are some native plants that deer don’t like. Non-native stilt grass in the immediate foreground leads into a sea of native spicebush.All spicebush, all of the time may be good for this Spicebush Swallowtail, but nature’s plan for balance is to have a lot of everything, not a lot of a few things. You may bank on this: where there are numerous deer, biodiversity takes a big hit…and, as long as deer reign supreme in your local fiefdom, nothing will change for the beleaguered native plant.